Tag: HDX

Troubleshooting Citrix HDX crashes

Troubleshooting Citrix HDX crashes

Occasionally, users have issues. ;)  Occasionally, we have to fix them.  Citrix users can be especially interesting to troubleshoot.  Personally, when I am wearing my ... Read More

Installing the Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent on Windows 7

Installing the Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent on Windows 7

I have this client still rocking XenDesktop 4.  For reasons too boring to explain here, we have yet to upgrade yet.  We have been adding ... Read More

Using XenDesktop as a secure in-house GotoMyPC Solution.

Using XenDesktop as a secure in-house GotoMyPC Solution.

For a while now, we have been recommending using XenDesktop for users to get back to their Physical Desktops back in the office as a ... Read More

XenDesktop Full Screen Flash playback can hang the Client Machine.

XenDesktop Full Screen Flash playback can hang the Client Machine.

Interested in hanging your XenDesktop Session out to dry?  ;) Chris Hahn recommends running Full Screen Flash playback with an older Citrix Client. Of course ... Read More

XenDesktop VDI Extreme

XenDesktop VDI Extreme

Quick shot showcasing a client of ours running a 6 monitor VDI session.   Fat Client running a remote XenDesktop with HDX on a VMware 3.5 ... Read More