Tag: RDP

How to enable JIT (Just in Time) VM Access in Microsoft Azure

How to enable JIT (Just in Time) VM Access in Microsoft Azure

If you have Virtual Machines running on the Internet with Public IPs, you should know they are exposed to attacks from evil-doers.  If you have ... Read More

Quick tip: Saving Credentials for Multiple RDP Hosts at the Same IP Address

Quick tip: Saving Credentials for Multiple RDP Hosts at the Same IP Address

Hereā€™s a quick year end tip from Jacques Bensimon. If you use port translation to access multiple Microsoft Remote Desktop hosts behind a single external ... Read More

Windows Update Strikes again! – CredSSP Encryption Oracle Patch

Windows Update Strikes again! – CredSSP Encryption Oracle Patch

Have you seen this error pop up when  you are attempting to RDP to a machine?? I ran into this over the weekend connecting to ... Read More

Refresher : Citrix Client HotKeys

Refresher : Citrix Client HotKeys

A client recently asked me for some key combinations for Hotkeys in the Citrix Client and I honestly couldnā€™t remember them.Ā  I did a little ... Read More

VMware View: Direct Connections or Funneled through the Broker?

VMware View: Direct Connections or Funneled through the Broker?

When using the Broker in View, you basically have 2 options for connecting to your desktops : Direct Connections or Tunneled SLL through the Broker ... Read More