Tag: v2v

Testing Virtual Machines on Hyper-V

Testing Virtual Machines on Hyper-V

Recently I was asked how a client could convert a bunch of their ESX Virtual Machines to Hyper-V Virtual Machines for bake-off purposes.  Hereā€™s a ... Read More

Using ISOs to transfer files to Virtual Machines. [The EASY way!]

Using ISOs to transfer files to Virtual Machines. [The EASY way!]

I love being able to use ISOs with my Virtual Machines.  In addition to that, I love using LOCALLY stored ISOs from my laptop with ... Read More

70GB Snapshot, YIKES!

70GB Snapshot, YIKES!

This week I ran into a 70 GB snapshot head on while upgrading an ESX host. The 70 GB snapshot was the result of a ... Read More