Tag: WordPress

How to optimize WordPress images for SPEED using WEBP

How to optimize WordPress images for SPEED using WEBP

Today, I am compressing all of the images on this website.  Hopefully after compressing, you will see that the pages are loading a bit faster.  ... Read More

My Site has gone down for the SECOND time (and hopefully the last!)

My Site has gone down for the SECOND time (and hopefully the last!)

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you will remember that a while ago, I switched over to WordPress on AWS.Ā  The transition ... Read More

Step-by-step guide to moving your blog from Blogger to WordPress on AWS

Step-by-step guide to moving your blog from Blogger to WordPress on AWS

So we are finally HERE.  All migrated and converted from Blogger to WordPress as well as moved from Google to AWS.  All thanks to an ... Read More