Upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04 LTS for Home Assistant

My Home Assistant installation is currently running on Ubuntu 18.04 on an old laptop. I leverage Docker to run various containers on it including Home Assistant.
After logging into a terminal session, I saw that Ubuntu OS had released a new LTS version. LTS stands for Long Term Service and gives you support for the next 5 years (until May 2025)

Here is the process I went through to upgrade the base operating system that runs my Docker and Home Assistant.
From your console (I would avoid SSH for the upgrade) run the following commands:
This kicks off the Focal upgrade process. You can see the video below to see a walk through of the screens during the upgrade.
The whole process took about 20 minutes with screenshots and worked without issue. Once the upgrade was complete, a quick reboot and the OS came right up with Docker and Home Assistant.

Happy Upgrading!
– Carlo