GestaltIT Tech Field Day!

image Tomorrow night I am heading out to Silicon Valley to attend an invitation only Tech Field Day organized by GestaltIT.  Never heard of Tech Field Day?  Understandable, this is the first one!  Organized by GestaltIT’s founder, Stephen Foskett and inspired by the HP Tech Field Day, this will be a unique event to which independent bloggers like myself, will be given up close and personal access to some great hardware, software and services provided by a select few vendors.  I would imagine the hopes for the companies are to expose people via social media to their products and services in a very targeted way.  The hope for me is to learn about some new tech and meet some fellow bloggers and engineers to learn a few new tricks from!  I am really looking forward to this event!

The 2 day event starts tomorrow and already there has been significant buzz about it within our virtual blogosphere.  Here’s the skinny on it :

I’ll start with the Attendees :
This will be my first opportunity to meet most in real life but have been reading many of their blogs for a while and get a feeling that this will be a very technical group. Stephen has pulled together a group of people from varied technical backgrounds (Networking, Storage, Virtual) and geographic locations (East Coast, West Coast, England and Australia to name a few)!

Rich Brambley


VM /ETC Gestalt IT



               Chris Evans


The Storage Architect Gestalt IT



Greg Ferro                
EtherealMind Gestalt IT


EtherealMind           Bas Raayman


Renegade’s Technical Diatribe


Rod Haywood


Musings of Rodos



                      John Hickson Studio Sysadmins



Greg Knieriemen


Storage Monkeys



              John Obeto


Absolutely Windows



Devang Panchigar


StorageNerve Gestalt IT



           Nigel Poulton

Ruptured Monkey




Ed Saipetch


Breathing Data Gestalt IT


                       Robin Harris  StorageMojo



Simon Seagrave





                   Rick Vanover


Virtualization Review Tech Republic

Stephen Foskett       GestaltIT                           Sfoskett

I am very excited to meet and hang with this group.  Browse through the blog list above and you will notice a very diverse set of people.  Hopefully I can hold my own within this group.   You can follow the real-time tweets from everyone at

Next up (in no particular order) the Sponsors:
Although, lesser known companies for me and I am excited to find out what each can bring to a virtual environment.  Personally, I am very interested in seeing Data Robotics’ DroboPro which is a low cost VMware Certified iSCSI SAN since I am currently in the process of rebuilding my lab.  (These would be AWESOME take homes! [Hint, Hint])

Data Robotics Nirvanix Ocarina
symantec-logo-72dpi Xsigo 3PAR Logo MDS Micro

The following sponsors will not be presenting, but they have offered to provide support for other portions of the event:

bhava_communications_medium TechValidate Logo Truth in IT VMW_09Q3_LOGO_Corp_K

Finally the Agenda:
