Issue with latest ICA Client for Mac OS X users

Apple CitrixFor all you Apple fans forced to run Windows applications via Citrix! 🙂

Mac OS X users running the latest version of the Citrix ICA client may encounter difficulties launching ICA files dished by a Web Interface site.  Citrix is aware of the issue, but they do not have an ETA on when they might issue a new client to fix the problem.  Until then, follow these instructions to restore all functionality:

1.  Close all open web browser windows

2.  Remove the Citrix browser plug-in that gets installed into /Library/Internet Plug-Ins

3.  After this is removed, the web browser will go back to downloading ".ica" files

4.  Double click the ".ica" file and you will be prompted to select an application to be used to open the file

5.  Select /Library/Application Support/Citrix/Citrix online plug-in and ICA files should now open like they did with prior versions of the ICA client


Marcos Velez