Synergy 2014 – Migrating WI Customizations to StoreFront

Hot off the Press!

Sam Jacobs has made his session material available via our corporate sharefile and also SlideShare.  Be sure to check it out!

Didn’t make it to Citrix Synergy this year? Not to worry! While this year’s session was not videotaped for SynergyTV, you can still download all presentation materials and source code:

image·        Session PowerPoint presentation (includes speaker notes) 

·        Complete session source code:

o   Demo 1 – The Power of jQuery

o   Demo 2 – New StoreFront Skin

o   Demo 3 – Adding Help Desk information

o   Demo 4 – Alternate Application Views

o   Demo 5 – StoreFront Store Customization SDK

You can also view the presentation on SlideShare!
If you have any questions on the above, please email the team at
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