Tag: acronis

Testing Virtual Machines on Hyper-V

Testing Virtual Machines on Hyper-V

Recently I was asked how a client could convert a bunch of their ESX Virtual Machines to Hyper-V Virtual Machines for bake-off purposes.  Hereā€™s a ... Read More

Extending the BARTPE FIX-VMSCSI plugin

Today while doing a V2P today, I ran into a BSOD. Very typical for V2Ps so I booted up BartPE to fix my BSOD as ... Read More

V2P Part II

Fixing a BSOD after an V2P using BartPE <p>If you have just V2P'd a server from Virtual to Physical and the server is now experiencing ... Read More

Using Acronis to take an image of a Virtual Machine [V2P Part 1]

Here are some straight forward instructions on how to take an Acronis image of a Virtual Machine. This is part 1 of a P2V migration ... Read More