The little-known Google domain you need to know about

Neat post from Aaron Silber.
While doing some research at a client, I noticed that IE from time to time goes out to a weird website. It was, so of course I googled it and found this:
What is is a Google-owned domain name used to identify the servers in our network.Following standard industry practice, we make sure each IP address has a corresponding hostname. In October 2009, we started using a single domain name to identify our servers across all Google products, rather than use different product domains such as,, and We did this for two reasons: first, to keep things simpler, and second, to proactively improve security by protecting against potential threats such as cross-site scripting attacks.Most typical Internet users will never see, but we picked a Googley name for it just in case (1e100 is scientific notation for 1 googol).