Tag: Support

When is Microsoft Exchange 2010 Support End date?

When is Microsoft Exchange 2010 Support End date?

The end of support date for Exchange 2010 was Jan. 14th 2020 but it has recently been extended to October 31st.  Chris Gambino sent over ... Read More

New to Me: VxRail Network Validation Tool

New to Me: VxRail Network Validation Tool

If you are deploying VxRail solutions, you might want to check out the new release of the Network Validation Tool from EMC.  The NVT-VxRail tool ... Read More

Top Virtualization Blogs 2013 Voting (i.e. The vDundies)

Top Virtualization Blogs 2013 Voting (i.e. The vDundies)

Virtualization is a pretty niche technology group. Not as small as it used to be though since now Virtualization encompasses all sorts of infrastructure components. ... Read More

vCenter Full of Errors!  Not a problem.

vCenter Full of Errors! Not a problem.

Interesting note from a buddy of mine.  He logged into his VirtualCenter (5.x) and found almost all of his Virtual Machines with an error condition.   ... Read More

AppSpeed 1.5 left behind if you upgrade to vSphere 5.

AppSpeed 1.5 left behind if you upgrade to vSphere 5.

I dig AppSpeed!  I know I might be in the minority here in the sense that most people don’t even know what the product is ... Read More